发布时间:2018/4/30 6:22:03
现有新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)电气工程学院的张欣 (Dr. Xin Zhang) 老师课题组招聘博士生(提供全额奖学金)和博士后,
以下为张欣(Dr. Xin Zhang)老师课题组研究方向以及博士生/博士后招聘的具体信息:
Research direction:
Advanced control and topologies of modern power electronic systems / converters in smart grid, electric vehicle / aircraft / ship.
Stability and reliability of modern power electronic systems.
Application of SiC / GaN power devices.
PhD positions (starting date: Jan. 2018)
The successful candidate is expected to have a degree in or related to Electrical / Electronic Engineering, and is required to be highly motivated and have a strong interest in the above research topics. Fluency in English is required. If the candidate has experiences in hardware / software design of power electronic systems, it will be more competitive.
Please include a brief cover letter with experiences in power electronic systems (theory, hardware / software design), curriculum vitae (CV), transcripts and thesis (if ready).
Postdoc positions (starting date: Nov. 2017)
The successful candidate is expected to have an excellent scientific track record in Power Electronics or Power systems and experience in one (or more) of the following fields: power converters, smart grid, electric vehicle, electric aircraft, electric ship.
The successful candidate is expected to be familiar with one of the following controllers: DSP, dSPACE or RT-LAB. The experiences in hardware design of power converters are also expected.
Please include a brief cover letter with a statement of your strong points and CV with publications list.
For more information or enquiries about the above positions
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