发布时间:2018/4/30 6:33:20
PhD position in Disease Ecology
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for the four-year full time doctoral student position to study the ecology and epidemiology of wildlife-originated zoonotic pathogens. The circulation of these pathogens in nature is determined by complex interplay between the pathogens, potential vectors and multiple hosts. This project aims to quantify these associations to better understand the circulation of zoonotic pathogens in nature and how the pathogen dynamics are translated into human disease epidemics in Northern Europe. In this project, we will exploit long-term datasets and carry out field studies. The project will focus on tick- and rodent-borne pathogens, tick vectors, rodent and other host species. PhD project can be built on either field studies or modelling of existing data or a combination of both depending on the candidate’s skills or preferences. Doctoral studies will be carried out within a doctoral programme of University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS) http://www.oulu.fi/uniogs/requirements_for_admission.
The project is a collaboration with the Principal Investigator, Dr. Eva Kallio, Dr. Jukka Forsman and Dr. Sami Kivelä (University of Oulu), Dr. Otso Huitu (Natural Resources Institute Finland), Dr. Tapio Mappes (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Dr. Jussi Sane (National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland), Prof. Andy Fenton (University of Liverpool, UK).
The applicant should have a Master’s degree in ecology, statistics, mathematics, evolutionary biology or related area. The candidate is expected to have good written and oral skills in English and be highly organized and responsible for good communication and team working. The following qualifications and experience are considered as an advantage: managing and analyzing large datasets, statistical or mathematical modelling, experience in applying GIS-data on biological systems, experience in field work, animal handling and utilizing molecular methods.
The salary will be based on the levels 2 – 4 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 46.3 % of the job-specific component). Starting salary is about 2100 – 2300 €/month and increases with experience. Health care is provided by the employer.
Apply online latest on Friday, 18 May 2018. The application must be submitted using the electronic application form together with a full CV, motivation letter (max 1 page) and contact information for at least 2 referees.
The position is filled as of 1 September 2018. A trial period of 6 months is applied in the position.
Further details are available from Dr. Eva Kallio, Eva.Kallio(at)oulu.fi.
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