发布时间:2018/4/30 6:50:05
Host: King’s College of London (KCL)
Objectives: To investigate the feasibility and performance of methods to estimate pressure differences from imaging data (MRI or ultrasound) removing the need of invasive catheters. Clinical diagnostic guidelines of conditions such as valve stenosis use risk markers based on the pressure drop through the flow obstruction. This project involves interpreting clinical images within the context of physical constraints encoded in mathematical models. Using a novel mathematical model patented at KCL, this project will investigate how to better characterise flow inefficiencies based on viscous dissipation or the sudden change of linear momentum. In order to achieve an easy clinical adoption, the project will also investigate the use of planar wave imaging or contrast agents in ultrasonography.
Planned secondment(s):
Industrial: FEOPS, for 1M in Y2 to work on the industrial adoption of the methods in the problem of TAVI planning.
Academic: UM, for 1M in Y2 to run experiments and verify the flow inefficiency characterization (with F7).
Clinical: IDIBAPS, for 2M in Y1, to get clinical data and generate initial evidence comparing to in-silico workbenches.
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