发布时间:2018/4/30 17:30:52
The Chen group at Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth (http://sites.dartmouth.edu/zichen/) is accepting visiting summer students or scholars in solid mechanics, biomechanics, physics or relevant areas. Applicants interested in the position should email zi.chen@dartmouth.edu with the CV, a cover letter stating research interests, and the contact information of 1-3 references who can provide letters of recommendation. The results from the research will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and the outstanding students will have the opportunity to pursue their PhD study at Dartmouth or other top universities.
Dr. Zi Chen received his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University and is the first Society in Science-Branco Weiss fellow (http://www.society-in-science.org/zi-chen.html) from China. His research interests range from solid mechanics and material science to biomechanics and mechanobiology, covering such diverse topics as mechanical instabilities of material
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