发布时间:2021/11/19 11:34:13
Case 1:A local craftsman who makes garments from the hides of goats visits his physician because over the past few days he has developed several black lesions on his hands and arms. The lesions are not painful, but he is alarmed by their appearance. He is afebrile and his physical examination is unremarkable.
1. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Cutaneous anthrax, caused by Bacillus anthracis. The skin lesions are painless and dark or charred ulcerations known as black eschar. It is classically transmitted by contact with the hide of a goat at the site of a minor open wound.
2. How will the causative microorganism appear on Gram staining?
B anthracis is a G+ spore-forming rod. The spores are resistant to many chemical disinfectants, heat, UV, and drying and are therefore a feared biological warfare.
3. What is the other spore-forming microorganism?
Clostridium species are the other G+ spore-forming bacteria. Bacillus and Clostridium species can be differentiated by their ability to neutralize oxygen fee radicals. Bacillus species have catalase and superoxide dismutase-enzymes that can survive in aerobic environments. Clostridium species don’t have these enzymes and therefore obligate anaerobics.
芽孢菌鉴别诊断:芽孢杆菌vs 梭状芽孢杆菌。主要看其中和氧自由基的能力,芽孢杆菌有过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶,能分解氧自由基→兼性厌氧;梭状芽孢杆菌则没有→专性厌氧。
4. What is other manifestation of this infection?
B anthracis also causes pulmonary anthrax. In this condition, inhaled anthrax spores reach the alveoli, taken up by macrophages and carried to mediastinal lymph nodes. This can result in mediastinal hemorrhage and a bloody pleural effusion. X-ray of the chest reveals a widened mediastinum.
Case 2: A 49-year-old woman from rural area presents with diffuse, crampy abdominal pain that has persisted for 4 days. She has had no bowel movements since the pain started and has noticed a weight loss of 4.5kg over the past month. CT of the abdomen reveals an inflamed gallbladder and an irregular mass in the second portion of the duodenum. Stool sample reveals rough-surfaced eggs. Complete blood count and liver function test results are as follows:
WBC count: 14,000/mm3
ALT/AST/AKP: normal
Eosinophils: 20%
Total bilirubin/direct bilirubin: normal
Albumin: 3.2g/dL
1. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Ascariasis, caused by a nematode (roundworm) found in the rural and tropical climates. Ascariasis is the most common helminthic infection worldwide. Eosinophilia is a classic finding in helminth infection and is due to the release of eosinophilic of major basic protein.
2. What tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis?
Analysis of a stool sample shows eggs with a knobby, rough surface.
3. What are the appropriate treatments for this condition?
Mebendazole or albendazole is the drug of choice. The bendazoles work by disrupting helminthic microtubule synthesis, which weakens cell structure.
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