发布时间:2020/7/13 17:51:43
学校:杜塞尔多夫大学 Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU)
院系:Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science
教授:Prof. Markus Kollmann & Prof. Martin Lercher
申请邮箱: igrad-plant@hhu.de (Dr. Petra Fackendahl)
截止日期:July 31, 2020
德国杜塞尔多夫大学数学与自然科学学院的国际研究培训小组2466 (International Research Training Group 2466, IRTG 2466),其研究方向为“了解植物资源分配的网络,交流和培训计划”,现招收
尽快开始(65%,薪资水平 13 TV-L)。
其中一名博士生将研究深度生成模型,在Markus Kollmann教授(生物系统的数学建模)的指导下预测RNA和蛋白质的3d折叠结构。另外一名博士生将在Martin Lercher教授(计算细胞生物学)的指导下为光合作用细胞的生长建立非线性计算模型。我们正在寻找能力出众的,积极进取的申请人,并具有相关学科的优秀学士学位或硕士学位。
要求 & 申请
有关各个项目,申请程序,所需申请文件以及我们的研究生培训计划的详细信息,请访问http://www.igrad-plant.hhu.de。如有疑问以及提交您的申请,请联系Petra Fackendahl博士,电子邮件:igrad-plant@hhu.de。
Job description
The International Research Training Group 2466: “Network, exchange, and training program to understand plant resource allocation“ within the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science of Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany, seeks
two PhD students with background in bioinformatics, machine learning, physics, or related fields
starting as soon as possible (65%, pay grade 13 TV-L).
One PhD student will work on Deep Generative Models to predict 3d folding structures of RNAs and proteins under the supervision of Prof. Markus Kollmann (Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems). The second PhD student will develop a non-linear computational model for the growth of photosynthetic cells under the supervision of Prof. Martin Lercher (Computational Cell Biology). We are looking for talented, highly motivated applicants holding an excellent bachelor or master degree in a relevant discipline.
The IRTG 2466, funded by the German Research Foundation, is a joint effort of Heinrich Heine University, Research Center Jülich, and the Graduate Program in Genetics at Michigan State University (USA). Researchers of these institutions are pursuing innovative strategies to address fundamental problems in plant biology.
The iGRAD-Plant Graduate Program offers a comprehensive, interdisciplinary PhD training program in the fields of molecular plant sciences, plant genetics, synthetic biology, and quantitative and theoretical biology. Future PhD students will join courses in transferable and scientific skills, regular seminars and retreats and practical courses in state-of-the-art laboratory methods. The training program is jointly organized by all three partner institutions.
For detailed information about the individual projects, the application procedure, and required application documents as well as our graduate training program visit http://www.igrad-plant.hhu.de. For questions and to submit your application please contact Dr. Petra Fackendahl, email: igrad-plant@hhu.de.
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